Monday, September 27, 2010

the boss karawn

my name is Karawn Curtis I'm smart, talented, strong and caring. My role model is my father, why because he's smart, strong and he cares about his family. My highlight of my life so far is to be able to get to the age of 13. I hope that I would become a brilliant historian good in sports and excell in basketball. My favorite class is History my favorite sport is basketball. I am also a good friend and my birthday is today.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Quarvez Who?....

What's up world and I'm Quarvez. I am a great football player and basket ball player. I hope to get a scholar ship to a private high school and then to collage. My role model is London Fletcher who plays with the Redskins. The high lite of my life wan making my first sack in my first football game. I hope my future holds me in the NFL. Look out for me in the NFL and collage football.

All about Santana....

Hello World I am Santana I am an inspiring musician I am learning to play the guitar and I write music and I am an actor. My role model is Micheal Jackson because even through the bad times he was still a great entertainer which I am striving to be. The high light of my life is great even though its just me, my mom, and my brother I'm still making the most out of it. My future holds a life time of music and acting achievements. Look out for any music that I might be releasing this year.
Thank you

Dorie Who? Dorie Miller!

Dorie Miller was an African American sailor. Was born in Waco, Texas, on 12 October 1919. He attended Moore High School and played fullback for the football team. he was a secretary in the Navy. He worked on his father's farm before enlisting into the U.S Navy. Miller was serving in that battleship when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7th 1941.