Thursday, November 18, 2010

Where the heck is Matt??

As we all know the remarkable Mrs.Trenkle gave us an assignment in class today called'Where the heck is Matt? We were to name as many countries he was in as possible, speak on our intrest in the places he was in and last what we learned from the video.Well some places we saw that we liked were India because of the spectacular architechture that is there,California just because of the beautfull settings and Tokyo because the motion screen on the buildings. The thing that most intrested us was the huge architechture and how it was put it place. Lastly we learled that this video was that anything is possibe how Matt got there can be one of us one day and the geography is more amazing in thoes places then we thought. In my opinon this video was funny and educational at the same time because of the many place that were made aware to and the hilarious dances he did the video was entertaining.

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