Monday, February 28, 2011

Tuskegee Airmen

In this world there are a lot of obstacles and things that you have to overcome and I feel that Lieutenant Broadwater overcame alot of thoes unfortunate obstacles. I feel that there were many lessons we learned , First I learned that you should never be afraid to fight for what you believe in because he fought for the United States even though times were still segregated and African american people were treated like animals and not taken seriously or even respected to fight for our country in that manor. The second lesson I learned is to Believe in yourself like Lieutenant Broadwater did in those segregated times because he over came negative comments and being verbally beaten down but by  Lieutenant Broadwater doing so he is the man he is today. The final lesson I learned is to basicly block out everything except what your misson is, I say that lesson because of his mute twards racism and people telling him that he cant do what he became a Tuskegee airmen to do but at the end he prevailed.

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