Monday, February 28, 2011

Tuskegee Airmen

In this world there are a lot of obstacles and things that you have to overcome and I feel that Lieutenant Broadwater overcame alot of thoes unfortunate obstacles. I feel that there were many lessons we learned , First I learned that you should never be afraid to fight for what you believe in because he fought for the United States even though times were still segregated and African american people were treated like animals and not taken seriously or even respected to fight for our country in that manor. The second lesson I learned is to Believe in yourself like Lieutenant Broadwater did in those segregated times because he over came negative comments and being verbally beaten down but by  Lieutenant Broadwater doing so he is the man he is today. The final lesson I learned is to basicly block out everything except what your misson is, I say that lesson because of his mute twards racism and people telling him that he cant do what he became a Tuskegee airmen to do but at the end he prevailed.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dorie Miller by Karawn

Dorie Miller worked on the USS West Virginia. Dorie worked as a mess worker. In the 1940s African Americans could only work as a mess worker. So one day in 1942 in the pearl harbor an enemy aircrafts attack the USS West Virginia. Dorie was in the Ship . When he came up he saw airplanes he got up a gun and started shooting. After the war people thought that he should get an award. African-americans wrote letters and articles stating that he should get an award. The president at the time Franklin Rosevelt stepped in and awarded him the Navy Cross on May 27, 1942. after recieving his award he went to go on the USS Liscomb Bay. All 644 men died on this ship. After this people thought he be given Medal of HonorAfter this more African-Americans inlisted in the Army.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lable: Dorie Miller 1919-1943

Dorie Miller was on board th USS West Virgenia in 1941. On board he was a cook. dorie couldn't man guns or any thing because he didn't have any training. During the Purl Harbor war Dorie Miller saved his captain and maned a gun. Suposevly he shot a plain down. After the war people thought that he should get an award. African-americans wrote letters and articles stating that he should get an award. The president at the time Franklin Rosevelt stepped in and awarded him the Navy Cross on May 27, 1942. after recieving his award he went to go on the USS Liscomb Bay. All 644 men died on this ship. After this people thought he be given The Medal of Honor. After this more African-Americans inlisted in the Army.

Artist: David Stone Martin
134 words

Monday, November 22, 2010

Dorie Miller-The Man That made history

Dorie miller was an African American male who attended the navy as a mess attendant on the SS West Virginia . Dorie was born in 1919 and died in 1943. Dorie was very passionate about being in the navy even though he was a mess attendant. On December 7th, 1941 Dories life basically changed in a drastic way, at Pearl harbor the SS West Virgina was under attack Dorie saved his captain and shot down a Japanese aircraft. Dorie became a naval phenomenon and a hero. Frank Knox was the secretary of the navy wrote a letter of commendation but in a way it wasn't it wasn't enough for the service he did. May 27th, 1912 Dorie received the Navy cross. Dorie died in 1943 on the USS liscome bay when it sunk. The picture that was drawn of Dorie miller was made by David Stone Martin in 1943.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Where the heck is Matt??

As we all know the remarkable Mrs.Trenkle gave us an assignment in class today called'Where the heck is Matt? We were to name as many countries he was in as possible, speak on our intrest in the places he was in and last what we learned from the video.Well some places we saw that we liked were India because of the spectacular architechture that is there,California just because of the beautfull settings and Tokyo because the motion screen on the buildings. The thing that most intrested us was the huge architechture and how it was put it place. Lastly we learled that this video was that anything is possibe how Matt got there can be one of us one day and the geography is more amazing in thoes places then we thought. In my opinon this video was funny and educational at the same time because of the many place that were made aware to and the hilarious dances he did the video was entertaining.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Powhatan'

The geography of the Powhatan civilization in Virginia helped the Powhatan's had lots of land to cover and lots of hunting opportunity's in Virginia.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ch Ch Ch Cherokee

The cherokee tribe was located in the southeast region. The cherokee tribe was the largest tribe with about 25,000 people in it and made decisions.